At DreamUp, our mission is to realize an educational community where space-based research and space-based projects will be available to all students, from primary to post-doctorate, to the International Space Station and beyond.
In partnership with Nanoracks, we’ve created cost-effective kits to bring space-based research to your home, classroom, or afterschool program. These STEM experiment kits provide the opportunity to explore the exciting research on the International Space Station.
Eric (11) and Ian (7) test the Germs in Space DreamKit
Hannah Friesen, 10, holds up some “worm goo” during an experiment about polymers in teacher Maria Nickel’s class at Woodlands Elementary in Woodlands, Manitoba. The experiment coincides with research for the Student Spaceflight Experiments Program. (Credit: Mike Deal / Winnipeg Free Press)
We partner with Nanoracks LLC, which offers student-friendly experiment platforms, for students of all ages, on the International Space Station. That’s right – we’ll get your experiment on a rocket and operated in space.
Have the coolest science class or after school club in town.
We stood in anticipation, holding our breath with eyes wide open. As the seconds counted down to the fateful number one, each STEM member on our team awaited to see the sky illuminate with fire and opaque smoke…
Through DreamUp’s myLAUNCH Program, students from around the world are given special access to rocket launches. Whether you have an experiment on board, or want to book a STEM field trip, DreamUp will provide a breathtaking experience.
We were on the lookout for a project that we could use school-wide that would address an international audience and focus on science…The whole point is to make STEM come alive, make science something greater.
It definitely affected how I think about science. I used to not like it at all, and now it’s my favorite subject. I definitely want to be an astrophysicist so I can study space more.
Working on the AGAR DreamUp project has been a game changer for me. It opened my eyes to what I really love to do as well as advance my education in so many ways… This project has helped me in so many ways. I owe a lot to this project.
Space inspires us to explore. I think we live in a day and age where most people are content with what they have on Earth — but we were founded on exploration. For us to reignite that passion of exploration in another worldly setting is kind of awesome…and very important.
I witnessed my project launch, and then recovered the results in what was easily the most educational process I had ever been a part of. I learned more during my ISS research experiment than I did doing anything else in high school. Every STEM student would be better off if they had the opportunity, as I had, to work along professional companies.